Tracking dangerous poachers is almost a normal day occurrence. Sometimes, this can last days in the vast wilderness and rugged hilly sides. As such, an improperly kitted team may not achieve the mission objectives and sometimes also return injured. Proper and quality communication gadgets, navigation equipment, uniform & boots, tents and camping equipment are therefore paramount for these operations.
The following are useful equipment that this organization is hoping provide in conservancies that are lacking, add in situations that is inadequate, or improve in cases where they are obsolete, or worn out or of inferior quality.
- Boots Sturdy, well-fitting boots are an essential piece of equipment for our rangers, who are constantly on the move through tough terrain, come rain or shine.
- Binoculars Good quality binoculars will enable our brave rangers to monitor wildlife and spot any illegal activity.
- Uniform Proper uniform will identify the rangers from other intruders.
- Portable Radios - Radios are useful to coordinate field patrols, tracking poachers, and sharing information across vast distances.
- Digital cameras Good quality, hardy camera can help document everything that takes place within the fragile habitats our field teams work in.
- GPS Units This helps our rangers’ record vital informationenabling us record arrest locations, illegal activities and important sites to aid in missions.
- Flashlights During night time ambushes or long night patrols, torches are essential for movement in the bush. Those that can incorporate night vision ability are even more valuable.
- Tentage Appropriate camping items are necessary for the rangers to retire to in case of extended trails or patrols. Sleeping bags and light yet strong tents are recommended.