Samburu Landscapes

Community Rangers Support Group

Facilitating Community Rangers in Samburu Landscapes for Effective and Responsible Discharge of Conservation Duties

Samburu Rangers

4 a better world

Empowering Conservancy Rangers in Samburu to Better Serve their communities and conserve Wildlife


4 a better world

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Support A Ranger

There are numerous ways in which you can help a ranger do their jobs more easily. Such as by sponsoring training, a trip o buying kits.


We accepts all kinds of donations. This could be in monetary form. Equipment and kits or even voluntary services.

Donate Equipment

With the dawn of modern age conservancy. Modern equipment go a long way into ensuring that animals are well protected.


Samburu Landscapes Community Rangers Support Group (SLCRSG) is a community-based organization (CBO) registered under the relevant laws of Kenya and operating within the Samburu landscapes and the larger Northern Kenya conservation area.

SLCRSG was founded by community members who run or are members of various community conservancies existing within the Samburu landscapes. Under the leadership of the Chairman, Mr Michael Lenaimado, the organization was formally registered as CBO with its head office in Wamba Township, Samburu County in Kenya, and a coordination office in Rongai, Kajiado County.


Our Vision & Mission

VISION To be the facilitator of community Wildlife Rangers in Samburu Landscapes for effective and responsible discharge of their conservation duties.

MISSION To help Samburu Landscapes rangers in providing networks, representation and ensuring they have the necessary skills, equipment, and are well motivated to perform their duties







Our Consevancies

Namunyak Consevancy Trust

Established in 1995, the conservancy covers 394,000 acres in the Matthews Mountain Range and is recognized as being some of Kenya’s best-untouched wilderness.

Kalama Community Conservancy

Kalama Community Wildlife Conservancy is a resilient community conservation that uplifts livelihood. This massive 500-sq-km conservancy is located just south of Isiolo.

Sera Wildlife Conservancy

Once a poaching hotspot, the conservancy is home to a range of wildlife, including elephants, lions, Grevy's zebra, eland, kudu and much birdlife and Black Rhinos

Ngilai West Conservancy

Ngilai is a carefully protected wilderness which serves many purposes, bringing rain for the community and grass for wildlife and cattle. It was established to help curb human-wildlife conflicts.

West Gate Conservancy

Westgate Conservancy is home to semi-nomadic Samburu pastoralists. It stretches along Ewaso Nyiro river to the west of Samburu National Reserve – hence its name. It is 366 km² in size

Reteti Elephant Sanctuary

The Sanctuary takes in orphaned and abandoned elephant calves with the aim to release them back into the wild herds adjoining Reteti. It is located within the greater Namunyak

Kalepo Wildlife Conservancy

Designed to rescue and release orphaned and abandoned elephant calves, whilst creating much needed benefits to the local people that live alongside them.

Ltungai Community Conservancy

This is the newest community conservation initiative in the Samburu-Laikipia area. It is located in an area where poaching and ethnic conflicts affect local communities and wildlife..

Meibae Community Conservancy

Meibae Community Wildlife Conservancy was established by a Community in the year 2006. It boasts a wide range of wildlife including Greater Kudu, African wild dogs & Gerenuks

Nkoteiya Community Conservancy

Famous location for Rhino Charge Rally, Nkoteiya was established to support conservation and derive benefits arising from conservation while allowing controlled livestock.


Ranger Graduation Passout

The rigorous 90-day training called “Combating Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in Kenya through an Integrated Approach” saw 68 rangers ..

All Female Ranger Team

Defying tradition and breaking barriers aptly describe the first all-female ranger unit ...